How to Use Our Code
Trust Begins with You
Build Trust with Our Associates
Build Trust with Our Customers
Build Trust in Our Business
How to Use Our Code
Trust Begins with You
Build Trust with Our Associates
Build Trust with Our Customers
Build Trust in Our Business

Create a Safe Place to Work and Shop
Making Walmart a safe place to work and shop builds trust with our associates and customers—and it’s the right thing to do. If you see something that could put someone’s health or safety at risk, report it immediately and take action to keep yourself and others safe.
Integrity in Action
- Stop a task if conditions are unsafe and report the concern. Watch for hazards that could harm you or others.
- Don’t work under the influence. Alcohol and improper use of drugs can affect your work and the safety of people around you.
- Protect yourself. Use proper safety gear and follow all training and procedures. Know what to do in case of an injury or emergency.
- Be careful operating machinery. Do not operate machinery or equipment unless you are trained, have the proper safety gear, and are following all health and safety procedures.
- Follow safe driving requirements. Show concern for others on the road. Getting there safely is more important than getting there quickly.
- Zero tolerance for violence and threats. Immediately report concerning behavior to a salaried manager or your Security Manager/Asset Protection Manager.
- Follow health and safety laws and our policies. Know the health and safety procedures that apply to your role and follow them.
The back room is full of boxes and many of the walkways are blocked. It doesn’t feel safe, but my department manager said not to worry about it. What should I do?
It’s not okay to ignore a safety hazard even if your manager says not to worry about it. Talk with another manager or your People Lead about your concerns. If you still have a safety concern following your discussions, contact Ethics & Compliance.